The DNS resolver contacted by your computer is usually chosen by your ISP (Internet service provider). When you send your request to the DNS resolver, the resolver accesses other servers in the DNS to obtain the address, then sends you the response. Usually, the resolver is one part of a larger decentralized DNS (domain name system). So your computer contacts a DNS resolver, and gets the current IP address of. When you use the Internet, every time you connect to a website using its domain name (such as “”), your computer needs to know that website’s IP address (a unique series of numbers). Now in order for a PSN resolver to work, there need to be a central server or database with the whole PSN network to be accessible, however due to security concerns, Sony won’t give public access to such information and thereby makes it impractical to resolve all gamer-tags/PSN usernames. The technology works the same as DNS, where as your browser is automatically translating an IP to it’s correlating domain name. PSN Resolver are IP resolvers that convert PSN usernames to IP addresses and vice versa.